
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Important words from Hawk with Seven Eyes

This is a Contribution from a Care 2 Group from us,
I think these are very important words....

Several hundred years ago a Frenchman named,
‘NOSTRADAMUS’ predicted the ‘End Of The World.’
More then two thousand years ago the ‘MAYAN’ culture
also predicted the end of the world would
come on a specific date (December 21, 2012)
The Bible teaches that at a time when we do not expect
the end of this world as we know it will be destroyed.
Really, ask yourself,
‘Did the creator form this earth for nothing?’

All the predictions regarding the ‘End of The Earth’
tell of signs that would be present
just before the destruction comes. Earth Quakes,
Pestilences, Famines, Hurricanes, Tornados,
Wars and Reports of Wars worldwide.
Do we see these things happening today?
Talk of ‘Global Warming’ has been in the news constantly.
We see on Television where people in several countries
are dying from hunger and pestilences.
What are we personally doing to help our mother
‘The Earth’ to recover from these predictions?
I for one do not believe that a loving creator
would let humans destroy this beautiful place
that he gave to us to care for.

From what I have gathered from all these predictions
is that there is going to be ‘A CHANGE’ in the way
humans have neglected to care for the earth.
The Creator will soon cause mankind’s destructive ways
to come to an end. Do not be afraid when you see
these things coming, in just a short time the Creator
will ‘Destroy those destroying the earth.’
Once again the responsibility to care for the earth
will be placed on the chosen people. Sickness,
Morning and Outcry will be no more.
The earth will return to a paradise condition
as it was intended when first created.

How will you help to bring our mother back
into this condition? Each one of us has a responsibility
to do whatever it takes to cleanse ‘Our Mother The Earth.’
Will you help? I will do all in my power to make our home
a better place to live. Would it not be wonderful to see
the sky and the forests and rivers cleaned up?
Please help and your reward will be great.
Live in peace and be blessed.

Hawk With Seven Eyes