
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Red Bulll Hand Drum Contst Tie Breaker - 2009 Manito Ahbee

Red Bull Hand Drum Contest Tie Breaker - 2009 Manito Ahbee

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hiya friends all over the world...

Here some pictures from our Leonard Peltier Event
from Cologne/Germany, Sept.26th 2009

Greets from Germany,
Toksa ake

Monday, June 15, 2009

New Petition

Hiya friends,

please help us and sign the new Care2 Petition,

It`s very important, thank you

Toksa ake

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Important words from Hawk with Seven Eyes

This is a Contribution from a Care 2 Group from us,
I think these are very important words....

Several hundred years ago a Frenchman named,
‘NOSTRADAMUS’ predicted the ‘End Of The World.’
More then two thousand years ago the ‘MAYAN’ culture
also predicted the end of the world would
come on a specific date (December 21, 2012)
The Bible teaches that at a time when we do not expect
the end of this world as we know it will be destroyed.
Really, ask yourself,
‘Did the creator form this earth for nothing?’

All the predictions regarding the ‘End of The Earth’
tell of signs that would be present
just before the destruction comes. Earth Quakes,
Pestilences, Famines, Hurricanes, Tornados,
Wars and Reports of Wars worldwide.
Do we see these things happening today?
Talk of ‘Global Warming’ has been in the news constantly.
We see on Television where people in several countries
are dying from hunger and pestilences.
What are we personally doing to help our mother
‘The Earth’ to recover from these predictions?
I for one do not believe that a loving creator
would let humans destroy this beautiful place
that he gave to us to care for.

From what I have gathered from all these predictions
is that there is going to be ‘A CHANGE’ in the way
humans have neglected to care for the earth.
The Creator will soon cause mankind’s destructive ways
to come to an end. Do not be afraid when you see
these things coming, in just a short time the Creator
will ‘Destroy those destroying the earth.’
Once again the responsibility to care for the earth
will be placed on the chosen people. Sickness,
Morning and Outcry will be no more.
The earth will return to a paradise condition
as it was intended when first created.

How will you help to bring our mother back
into this condition? Each one of us has a responsibility
to do whatever it takes to cleanse ‘Our Mother The Earth.’
Will you help? I will do all in my power to make our home
a better place to live. Would it not be wonderful to see
the sky and the forests and rivers cleaned up?
Please help and your reward will be great.
Live in peace and be blessed.

Hawk With Seven Eyes

Monday, February 16, 2009

Glenn T. Morris, AIM Colorado

If people are genuinely interested
in honoring Indians, try getting
your government to live up to the more
than 400 treaties it signed with our nations.
Try respecting our religious freedom
which has been repeatedly denied in federal courts.
Try stopping the ongoing theft of Indian water
and other natural resources. Try reversing
your colonial process that relegates us
to the most impoverished, polluted,
and desperate conditions in this country...
Try understanding that the mascot issue
is only the tip of a very huge problem
of continuing racisim against American Indians.
Then maybe your "honors" will mean something.
Until then, it's just so much superficial,
hypocritical puffery. People should remember
that an honor isn't born when it parts
the honorer's lips, it is born when
it is accepted in the honoree's ear.

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...Glenn T. Morris, AIM Colorado

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What's the meaning of the word "CHANGE" ?

What's the meaning of the word "CHANGE" ?

The human race fight,
they fight for their several religions,
they fight for big business power and money,
they fight because they have a different skin color...

A native American brother write to me...

Your faith is not important,
big business is not important,
money is not important,
your color of skin is not important, too

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Whats the color of your blood ?
I think the answer is so easy...

I walk with all my sisters and brothers
the only right way, the RED ROAD....

Now it`s time for changes.....
Please walk the right way friends !

Mita`kuye ayasin - we are relatives

Toksa ake

AIM Video

AIM leaders drumming and singing

Taken at the '06 Columbus day protest.

Have a peaceful day
Toksa ake

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Battle of Adobe Walls

The Battle of Adobe Walls

(Picture on top - Comanche
Medicine man Ish-Ta-Ma)

This battle between buffalo hunters
and approximately 700 Comanche, Kiowa,
and southern Cheyenne warriors resulted
in an Indian defeat, one among several during
the course of the large-scale military operation
known as the Red River War of 1874-75.
Inspired ba a recent Sun Dance and Comanche
medicine man Ish-Ta-Ma`s promise of easy victory,
the warriors sought to inflict a mortal blow
against the hated buffalo hunters who were
destroying the vast southern herds in Texas Panhandle.

The young Comanche Quannah Parker joined Ish-Ta-Ma
as nominal leaders of the raid against
the twenty-eight men and one woman residing in Adobe Walls,
a small complex of trading stores
and a saloon in present-day Hutchinson Country, Texas.

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During the early dawn hours of June 27, 1874,
the Indians attacked the residents,
quickly killing two hunters who were sleeping in a wagon.
The others were alerted immediately because they had
remained awake during the night while repairing
a broken bearn in the saloon. They held off
several assaults, losing only two other defenders -
one to Indian gunfire and one to the accidental
discharge of a rifle. The siege continued for five days.
Indian casaulities mounted to several dozen,
and faith in Ish-Ta-Ma`s power faded.
On the second day of the siege, Billy Dixon
fired his fabled shot, hitting a mounted warrior
fully eight-tenths of a mile away.
Following abandonment of the Adobe Walls settlement
six weeks later, the Indians burned it to the ground.
Yet the battle had been a bitter setback for them,
and it presaged the larger defeat that would soon
follow at the hands of the army.

from M.L.Tate
(University of Nebraska at Omaha)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Kiowa war chief Big Bow "Za-ko-yea"

Big Bow (Zepko-ette or Za-ko-yea),
Kiowa chief, was born in 1833 on Elk Creek, Indian Territory.
He was descended from a line of prominent war chiefs
and inherited his name from his father and grandfather.
From his father he learned at an early age
to be a warrior, and by the time he was eighteen
he had been on two raids into Mexico.
In 1851 Big Bow was made a war chief
but lost popularity that winter after eloping
with the wife of another warrior. What was more,
he offended many Kiowas with his scornful attitude
toward the tribal religion. He was especially
skeptical of medicine men, particularly
the prognostications uttered by Maman-ti
through his inflatable "medicine owl."
Often Big Bow asserted that his own strength
and courage, not the aid of a bird,
would ensure him success in war. Consequently,
he frequently went on raids either solo
or accompanied only by one or two others.
On a foray into New Mexico in 1855,
he almost single-handedly captured several ponies
and took a Navajo scalp. The following spring,
after other tribal leaders expressed doubt
about his boasts, he took another chief, Stumbling Bear,
back with him to the scenes of his escapades in New Mexico.
He frequently rode with the Quahadi band of Comanches
on the Llano Estacado and became familiar
with the areas between the Pecos River
and the Rio Grande.

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Big Bow's high rank was indicated by the fact
that his leggings were fringed with human hair.
He took part in raids into Texas and New Mexico
during the 1860s and led one against the Utes
in southern Colorado in the summer of 1869.
Although he reportedly was an accomplice
at the Salt Valley attack on May 17, 1871,
he evaded arrest at Fort Sill.
With his friend and fellow chief White Horse
he staged the attack on the government wagon train
at Howard's Wells on April 20, 1872,
and the attack on Abel Lee and his family
near Fort Griffin on June 9. Thomas Battey,
a Quaker missionary, later recalled Big Bow's
"treacherous and ferocious countenance."
At the outbreak of the Red River War in June 1874,
Big Bow attempted to talk the Kiowa war faction,
led by Lone Wolf and Maman-ti,
into staying holed up in the canyons
along Elk Creek. But when Maman-ti's
"medicine" predicted complete safety for the group
in Palo Duro Canyon, they voted to go there.
Big Bow thus participated in the siege
of Lyman's wagon train on September 9-14
and fought a brief battle with Col. Ranald S.
Mackenzie's Fourth Cavalry at Palo Duro
on September 27.

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Sometime before Mackenzie's attack,
Big Bow had disappeared briefly into the Llano Estacado,
accompanied by Maman-ti's adopted son,
the white captive Tehan. He then reappeared
with Black Horse's band of Quahadis after killing
and scalping a cavalry soldier. When defeat was inevitable,
Big Bow was among the first of the Kiowa leaders
to surrender in February 1875. It was reported that
just before coming to the agency he killed Tehan
because he was part white, but Big Bow
and his family declared that Tehan had died
of thirst on the plains. Big Bow readily submitted
to the federal authorities and through the influence
of Kicking Bird was enlisted as a scout to help
bring in other bands. His cooperation kept him from going
to prison in Florida with other Kiowa chiefs.

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He subsequently emerged as a leader in his tribe's
difficult adjustment to reservation life.
On occasion he made friendly visits to the Utes
and Pueblos in New Mexico. He and his braves often
bargained with white traders and ranchers,
including James A. Whittenburg, whose son George
he once tried to adopt for a price of seventy-five horses.
In 1886, with agent Jessie Lee Hall's permission,
Big Bow led three Kiowas west to recover horses
stolen by rustlers. He and a companion named Pay-kee
overtook the thieves, killed one of them,
and successfully recovered the stock,
even though they had only a few rounds of
ammunition with them. With his family Big Bow
settled in the Rainy Mountain community
and during his later years was converted
to Christianity. One of his sons, Dom-ai-te,
was noted in the tribe as a horse racer.
The date and place of Big Bow's death are unknown.
Several of his descendants still resided in
the Anadarko area in the late twentieth century.

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Toksa ake

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Pawnee Killer-Oglala Sioux war leader

Pawnee Killer

Oglala Sioux war leader (1856-1870).
Pawnee Killer was not a chief but a war leader
of Little Wounds band of the Oglala Sioux
which frequently ranged south of the Platte
and lived and fought with the Southern Cheyennes;
he was a close friend of Turkey Leg, a noted Cheyenne chief,
and often operated with him and his people.
After Sand Creek the Pawnee Killer followers
were camped in the present Cheyenne County, Kansas,
along with some Arapahoes and Cheyennes.
Pawnee Killer was in the attack on Julesburg, Colorado,
January 7, 1865. He was in the Fetterman fight
of December 1866 north of Fort Phil Kearny, Wyoming,
until that time the greatest white debacle in the western Indian wars.
He collaborated with Red Cloud and Blue Horse, Sioux;
with Strong Wolf, Little Wolf and Dull Knife, Cheyennes,
and with Black Coal and Eagle Head, Arapahoes.

In mid-April 1867 Pawnee Killer`s people
were camped with the Southern Cheyenne in central Kansas
when Hancock arrived and after the Indian slipped away,
burned their Villages. In May Pawnee Killer
and Turkey Leg conferred briefly with Custer,
but with no important result, and a bit later Pawnee Killer`s warriors
and some Cheyenne Dog Soldiers attacked a Custer wagon trail;
no one was killed. June 24, 1867, Captain Louis Hamilton
of the 7th Cavalry was engaged by Pawnee Killer
and 45 of his men in a fight near the forks
of the Republican River in Kansas; entrapped they would
have been annihilated save that the Sioux were poorly armed
while the soldiers were not; the Indians had to open the trap
and let the enemy go. Pawnee Killer led the Indians
who wiped out the Kidder party July 12, 1867.
Whether he was in the fight at Beecher Island in September 1868
is uncertain; his village was in the vicinity. In 1869 the Soux camps
between the Arkansas and Platte twice were struck by 5th Cavalry units.
Little is known of Pawnee Killer after that year.
His people ultimately settled on the Red Cloud Agency of Dakota
where Little Wound was a close collaborator with Red Cloud.

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(Julius Meyer, Spotted Tail, Iron Bull and Pawnee Killer, about 1875)
