
Sunday, December 19, 2010

In Defense of the Good Works of ONE Spirit, Inc. Against a PLASTIC SHAMAN!

In Defense of the Good Works of ONE Spirit,
Inc. Against a PLASTIC SHAMAN!

As one of my followers you are aware of my impassioned
involvement with ONE Spirit, Inc. and the wonderful work
the organization does for the Pine Ridge Reservation.
As an all volunteer driven group we rely on the goodness
of donations by the general public to fund our
charitable work which may be given freely through Paypal
at our website,
We never use second party solicitations, or collections,
persons doing so are doing it for their own means
and not with the consent of the ONE Spirit organization.

It has come to our attention that such a scam
is circling in the European area, thus we wish
to make it perfectly clear, that unless they have
Direct Connections with ONE Spirit or the donations
are made through Paypal to ONE Spirit,
you should question the authenticity.
The person in question recently attempted
to run a smear campaign on the ONE Spirit Facebook page,
which fortunately was vehemently defended
by our faithful followers and participants.

I also caution anyone doing business
with Turtle Winds Firewalker.)
He claims to have Lakota blood,
then on a second page he claims to have Cherokee blood,
with subsequent healing powers. He is a PLASTIC SHAMAN
of the worst kind. He is originally from Endicott,
Kentucky now living in Germany. Native supporters
all over Europe are trying to put this man down.

His Facebook page is:!/profile.php?id=100000657066865

mail and webpage :

Thanks for your support,