
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Please take 5 minutes

‎Please help if you can and open your heart my friends !

Special thanx to Wanbli Gleska Tokahe for sharing with me on YouTube,

More information here on Facebook:

Greets and many blessings ~Wolfgang~ (on YouTube - Whitewolfe05)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Dedicated to all Cheyenne and Arapaho sisters and brothers

The Sand Creek Massacre was an atrocity in the Indian Wars
of the United States that occurred on November 29, 1864,
when a 700-man force of Colorado Territory militia attacked
and destroyed a village of friendly Cheyenne and Arapaho
encamped in southeastern Colorado Territory, killing
and mutilating an estimated 70–163 Indians,
about two-thirds of whom were women and children.

The Sand Creek Massacre resulted in a heavy loss of life,
mostly among Cheyenne and Arapaho women and children.
Hardest hit by the massacre were the Wutapai, Black Kettle's band.
Perhaps half of the Hevhaitaniu were lost, including the chiefs
Yellow Wolf and Big Man. The Oivimana led by War Bonnet,
lost about half their number. There were heavy losses
to the Hisiometanio (Ridge Men) under White Antelope.
Chief One Eye was also killed, along with many of his band.
The Suhtai clan and the Heviqxnipahis clan under chief
Sand Hill experienced relatively few losses.
The Dog Soldiers and the Masikota, who by that time had allied,
were not present at Sand Creek.....

I saw the bodies of those lying there cut all to pieces,
worse mutilated than any I ever saw before;
the women cut all to pieces ... With knives; scalped;
their brains knocked out; children two or three months old;
all ages lying there, from sucking infants up to warriors.
By whom were they mutilated? By the United States troops!
(John S. Smith, Congressional Testimony of Mr. John S. Smith, 1865)

Damn any man who sympathizes with Indians!
I have come to kill Indians, and believe it is right
and honorable to use any means under God's heaven to kill Indians.
(Col. John Milton Chivington, U.S. Army)

:-( :-( :-( John Chivington is in MY EYES a mass murderer

My candle burn again and my prayers going up



Saturday, November 19, 2011

Without many words....

Spread this message worldwide....

Friday, November 18, 2011

The respectful Red Road

You, as a non-native looking for your own Red Road?
Okay, then please close your eyes and open your heart.

Only with an open heart you will find old paths.
Is your heart really open,
then you're ready for the first lesson.

It is NOT important to wear a feather in your hair
or bead work on the body, important is that you
wear the feather and the regalia in your own heart.

This is the first step to find your own Red Road.
This is my respectful and honest dealings with the
ancient wisdom, culture and religion of my native American
friends from various reservations.

Du, als nicht Native American suchst deinen eigenen Red Road ?
Okay, dann schließe bitte deine Augen, und öffne dein Herz.

Nur mit offenen Herzen findest du alte Pfade.
Ist dein Herz dann wirklich offen, dann bist du bereit
für die erste wichtige Lektion. Wichtig ist es nicht
eine Feder in deinem Haar oder Perlenarbeiten am Körper zu tragen,
wichtig ist das du Feder und die Regalia in deinem
eigenen Herzen trägst. Das ist der erste Schritt
um seinen eigenen Red Road zu finden.

Dies ist mein respektvoller, ehrlicher Umgang
mit dem uralten Wissen, der Kultur und der Religion
meiner indianischen Freunden aus den verschiedensten Reservation.

p.s. I`am a non native, and proud to find my own respectful red road

Aho my worldwide family

We must now stand up together, globally.
If we want to change important things
for our next generation, then NOW!

It is the wrong way, if only talk German with Germans,
we have a global problem and not just a problem
within our own country.

It is a matter of respect against Mother Earth,
we are ALL a part of the 99%.

Stand up and outraged you ♥

.....Wir müssen jetzt weltweit zusammen aufstehen.
Wenn wir wichtige Dinge für unsere nexten
Generationen ändern möchten, dann JETZT !

Es ist der falsche Weg, wenn Deutsche nur mit Deutschen reden,
wir haben ein globales Problem und nicht nur ein Problem
innerhalb unseren eigenen Landes.

Es ist eine Frage des Respektes gegenüber Mutter Erde,
wir sind ALLE ein Teil der 99%.

Steht auf und empört euch ♥


Many blessings

Friday, November 11, 2011


Close your eyes my friends
and listen Makoce Wakan (Mother Earth)
- Mother Earth is crying and need our help .....
this is a worldwide campaign, please share today 11.11.11
peace and love with all your friends, aho ~Wolfgang~ ♥♥♥