
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Please help and sign my petition

Please read the facts directly on, thank you all,
in the name of JUSTICE

Many blessings

Friday, December 23, 2011

Wishing you a Merry X-mas

Thís song is from the CD "Red Christmas"
Done by Warscout.
Randy, James & Jamon ROCKS ! *lol*
HOOOOKA !!!!!!

Many blessings

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Statement from Leonard Peltier: From Behind the Iron Door

Hau Kola

Greetings my friends, relatives, relations, supporters

I wrote a statement the other day sitting here in my cell
and I know that no one really cares to read something
that is 6 pages long. So this is my effort to
shorten it a little bit.

The first subject I want to touch on is being in prison
for 36 years is hell. There are some folks who are planning
to walk across America starting in California going to
Washington D.C. to bring attention to the injustice
that faces Indian people in the judicial system of America
and of which I am some of the evidence of that.
But first of all what I really want to say is
I really appreciate and love the people that do things
like this for those of us who are imprisoned.
And if walking across America sounds like a lot try
standing in an 8 by 6 cell for 36 years.
But I want you to know as terrible and painful as this
is in a strange way I am honored that the most powerful
government has considered me a challenge that they would
violate all their own laws to keep me imprisoned.
In my standing I have stood for what’s right.
I have stood for the right of a people invaded
by emissaries of the corporations they ultimately represent;
the right of a people to defend themselves in whatever way
necessary to defend their women and children and elders
and life itself when attacked with deadly force by this government.

For some of you who may recently come in contact with my case,
my case is one where an Indian community that had been
continually terrorized by FBI and a goon squad funded by
them on the reservation, had opposed the sale of 1/8th
of the tribe’s mineral resources and land.
On June the 26th 1975, they attacked the village of Oglala
on the Pine Ridge Reservation. It started with two FBI agents
in unmarked cars and unmarked clothing,
firing into an enclave of dwellings.
The two agents numbers soon swelled to 250.
In the ensuing battle the two initial agents were killed
and one young Indian man, Joe Stuntz, was murdered by the FBI,
shot between the eyes. Ultimately some 30 of us escaped.
Two men, Bob Robideau and Dino Butler that were captured
before I was, were put on trial and all the evidence of
that day was allowed to be presented in their defense.
And they were acquitted by reason of self-defense;
the jury said they had the right to defend themselves
with deadly force. I had escaped to Canada and was later
apprehended there, the government perjured testimony,
and they got someone to lie to bring me back from there.
I was put on trial and all the evidence used to convict me
was later proven false in court, as well as the lie to extradite me.
And the same evidence used by the defense in the first trial
was not allowed. They ultimately got a conviction saying I was
guilty of murder which was later amended to aiding and abetting.

Then later an individual whom some called Mr. X,
on tape admitted he was the shooter.
Bob Robideau one of the original two men acquitted by reason
of self-defense later told retired FBI Agent Ed Wood he was Mr. X
and that he had shot the agents. Bob feared for his life.
Bob didn’t make his statement for many years.
Bob did all that he could do to help me over the years
and later started living in Spain. And then he made a statement
to a few people that he was going to come back and speak more
about being the shooter and being acquitted of the offense.
And within about a month’s time he was found dead in his
apartment in Spain. He supposedly fell out of bed
and hit his head and died. Having said that,
my main point is that where all the evidence was allowed
to be presented Indian people were found not guilty rightfully
defended themselves by reason of self-defense.

There has not been a violation of human rights
by America that wasn’t first practiced on Native Americans.
America’s first biological warfare was against Indian people
with small pox and measles infected blankets,
the first concentration camps were against Indian people
where they took their land and rounded them up.
And Lincoln known for being against slavery,
had 38 Indian men hung in unison in Mankato Minnesota
for rebelling in the starving concentration camp
they were confined to and there were camps
all across this nation for American Indian people.
The first atomic bomb was dropped on Indian land
polluting it and destroying the water tables.
To this day the result of their digging for uranium
still pollutes parts of the Navajo reservation.
They practiced sterilization of our women up
until the late 1950s and even into the 60’s.
Up in Alaska they experimented with various forms
of hepatitis on the native people there.
The list goes on and on. Our people to this day
suffer generational trauma as a result of the
concentration camps and invasions and starvation
and boarding schools that tried to destroy our culture.
The death rate in the boarding schools was 50%.

To this day the unemployment rate for American Indians is 35%.
What America calls “depression” has become a way of life for us.
Bureaucrats scream and jump up and down about the Israelis
right to claim their homeland, yet at the same time America
still takes our land against our will, our homeland.
The black hills of South Dakota was leased for 99 years
the lease has been up for some 20 something years,
but they will not return it. They have offered to pay some
3 billion dollars for the Black Hills.
Why don’t they take that money and relocate the non-Indians from there?
There have been people complaining of a mosque in the proximity
of the former World Trade Towers yet our sacred hills
have Abraham Lincoln’s face carved in the side of our sacred area,
and George Washington who practiced a scorched earth campaign
against our people in the East is there along with others.

I’m sorry if I’m getting carried away,
I want America to be a great nation,
but I want it to be fair to all people.
We don’t ask for anything that wasn’t agreed to by this government.
There’s three hundred and seventy something treaties that cover
most of our concerns. I apologize if in reading this in some way
it hurts your celebration of the holidays.
Its very difficult to not be negative when you are unjustly
imprisoned for this long and every day you look through
an iron door when the true enemies and terrorists are free
to terrorize the poor and the oppressed of America.
When the resources of America and the labor of its people
is used to enhance the lavish lifestyle of some 2 to 3
% of the population that owns 96% of America’s wealth
or I should say owns and controls 96% of America’s wealth
then people like you and the people occupying Wall Street
and walking across America are needed more than you would ever know.

I said I wouldn’t make this too long and it seems
I have gone back on my work. However in closing I would like
to thank the National Congress of American Indians for passing
a resolution supporting me in my bid for freedom.
And I would especially like to thank Lenny Foster
who has served as a spiritual leader in prisons throughout
America who presented the resolution to the National Congress
of American Indians. I would also like to thank all the others,
too numerous to mention, who has supported me for so many years.
I guess in some off handed way I have learned to live
and exist by my contact with them over the years.
This struggle has been long and difficult
and I know at times I have offended people
and hurt their feelings and for that I am deeply regretful.
But rest assured I appreciate all of you in the deepest
sense of the word. And I pray that this Holiday season
brings joy to you and your families.
And there is no greater gift that we can give our children
and our children’s children than freedom and a healthy earth.

I will close for now but unless they shut me up
like they did Bob, you will hear from me again rest assured.

In the Spirit of Crazy Horse and all the others
that have died for their people,


Leonard Peltier

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Lakota Winyan song by Sissy Good House

I will today share with you a amazing video and song,
my heart is now open

Lakota Wia Kin, Nagiksapaye Niye On Etanyan ,
Wicingacaya Oyate Kin Han Yan Waciniyape

Lakota women ,
think wisely it's from you our children
come from and are raised

Many blessings

Monday, December 12, 2011

Wayo Kapi ~ The truth

We the Lakota Friends Germany, and I`am the founder of this projekt, dissociate ourselves from all lies, open hatred, fake accounts and many more bad things here on Facebook.

1. We dissociate ourselves from our old group with the name "Lakota friends Germany"
2. We dissociate ourselves from any public hate posts on Facebook where names and nations are under attack.
3. We dissociate ourselves from all fake accounts on Facebook. They want to achieve only one thing: To create distrust between all us honest people.
4. I will not write names publicly on Facebook. Further information about the truth via message.
(to Wolfgang Schaefer)
5. Let us ALL explain about the plastic shamans in Germany and other countries,
fakes on Facebok and dishonest people.
6. As the founder of Lakota friends Germany, I have reported my old group to Facebook for deletion today.
7. My project will come back to Facebook under a new name. ALL honest and respectful people are welcome. Our goal remains the the same. We want to connect people and cultures and not destroy the same.

Mitakuye Oyasin

Wolfgang Schaefer
Dani Wirges
Christian Rohrsen
Roger Welzel
Annegret Gdanietz Averbeck
Astrid Abby Wenzel
Gaby Eglseder
Claudia Zaenglein
Lisl Hosemann
Nadine Tiesler
Mathias Milaster
Cetan Ska Win

thanx for reading my honest words
Wolfgang Schaefer