
Friday, September 19, 2008

The Ojibwa or Chippewa - part 1

The Ojibwa or Chippewa
(also Ojibwe, Ojibway, Chippeway) - Part 1

@ first, a little about the Name Ojibway.

The autonym for this group of Anishinaabeg is "Ojibwe".
This name is commonly anglicized as "Ojibwa."
The name "Chippewa" is an anglicized corruption of "Ojibwa."
Although many variations exist in literature,
"Chippewa" is more common in the United States
and "Ojibwa" predominates in Canada,
but both terms do exist in both countries.
The exact meaning of the name "Ojibwe" is not known; however,
three most common explanations on the name derivations are:

* from "ojiibwabwe" meaning
"Those who cook\roast until it puckers,"
referring to their fire-curing of moccasin
seams to make them water-proof,
though some sources instead say this was a method
of torture the Ojibwe implemented upon their enemies.

* from "ozhibii'iwe" meaning
"Those who keep records (of a Vision),"
referring to their form of pictorial writing,
and pictographs used in Midewiwin rites

* from "ojiibwe" meaning
"Those who speak-stiffly" referring to how
the Ojibwe sounded to the Cree.

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across many Ojibwa communities across Canada and the U.S.,
the more generalized name of "Anishinaabe(-g)"
is becoming more common.

Their major divisions

10 major divisions of the Ojibwa in the United States,
omitting the Ojibwa located in Michigan,
western Minnesota and westward, and all of Canada;
if major historical bands located in Michigan
and Ontario are added, the count becomes 14:

*Saulteaux (Baawitigowininiwag)
about Sault Ste. Marie

*Boreder Sitters (Biitan-akiing-enabijig)
northern Wisconsin

*Lake Superior Band (Gichi-gamiwininiwag)
south shore of Lake Superior

*Mississippi River Band (Gichi-ziibiwininiwag)
upper Mississippi River in Minnesota

*Rainy Lake Band (Goojiijwininiwag)
Rainy Lake and River, northern Minn.

*Ricing-Rails (Manoomininikeshiinyag)
along headwaters of St.Croix River, Wisc.

*Pillagers (Mekamaadweshiinyag)
Leech Lake, Minnesota

*Mississaugas (Misi-zaagiwininiwag)
north of Lake Erie

*Algonquins (Odishkwaagamiig)
Quebec-Ontario Border, about Lake Nipissing

*Doki`s Band ( ?)
along French River, region Ontario, near Lake Nipissing

*Ottawa Lake or Lac Courte Oreilles Band
Lac Courte Oreilles, Wisconsin

*Bois Forte Band (Zagaakwaandagowininiwag)
north of Lake Superior

*Torch or Flambeau Band
head of Wisconsin River

*Muskrat Portage Band
northwest side of Lake Superior

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Their country

The extent of territory occupied by the Ojibway nation,
is the largest of any Indian possessions
of which there is any definite knowledge.
When the Champlain traders met them in 1610,
its eastern boundary was marked by the waters
of Lakes Huron and Michigan. The mountain ridge,
lying between Lake Superior and the frozen Bay,
was its northern barrier. On the west, a forest,
beyond which an almost boundless prairie.
On the south, a valley, by Lake Superior,
thence to the southern part of Michigan.
The land within these boundaries has always
been known as the country of the Ojibways.
It comprises some of the most romantic and beautiful scenery.
There are crystal waters flowing over rocky beds,
reflecting the mighty trees that for centuries
have reared their stout branches above them.
There are dense forests which no man has entered,
which have never waked an echo to the woodman`s axe,
or sounded with the sharp report of a sportman`s rifle.
Here are miles of wild flowers whose sweet fragrance,
is borne on every southern breeze,
and which form a carpet of colors as bright and beautiful
as the rainbow that arches Niagara.
The woodland is composed of a great variety of trees,
mostly pine, hemlock, oak, cedar, and maple.
As the traveller approaches the north,
he will meet birch tamarach, spruce, and evergreen.

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In going from east to west, along the borders of the lakes,
the scenery is so changing and of such kaleidescope variety
and beauty that description is impossible.
There is room and opportunity for adventure among the bold,
broken, rugged rocks, piled up one upon another
in "charming confusion," on the shores,
along the borders of the silent waters,
or beneath the solid cliffs against which the waters
of Superior break with a force which has polished their rocky surface.
The mountains, rivers, lakes, cliffs, and caverns
of the Ojibway country, impress one with the thought
that Nature has there built a home for Nature`s children.

Tomorrow part 2, about their Lakes and more


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