
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Native artist - part 1

Ed.E.Bryant (Hagwil-Gaa)

Tsimshian Artist from the
Gitando Clan Raven crest

Ed. E. Bryant, born in Lax Kw Alaams,
a small native village on the Northwest Coast
of British Columbia. Ed was raised by his grandparents
and inspired by the cultural knowledge of his grandfather.
Over the course of his life he has been taught
traditional values, including the history, mythology,
medicine and language of his people, the Tsimshian.

For over 20 years, Edward Bryant has been carving
his art pieces, in traditional Tsimshian style,
mostly out of red and yellow cedar, alder,
birch, maple and yew wood.

(Yuutaga´am ol - Bear Man)

He also works in bone, natural ivory, copper and silver.
Enhancing many of his pieces are intricate abalone
shell inlay work. The artist also creates dance regalia,
designs and is skilled in toolmaking.

He has collaborated with his brother Henry Green
to work on totems and canoe including a four crest
memorial pole, 9 meters high, erected in Prince Rupert;
a 4 meter column pole erected in Port Simpson;
and a 3 meter totem erected in Geneva. All art pieces,
such as an 8 meter canoe, were done with
traditional bent knives and elbow adzes.


Edward Bryant has also worked in a carving shop,
which is associated with the Museum of Northern
British Columbia in Prince Rupert. Since 1998,
during his stay in Germany, the artist has exhibited
his objects in several museums to great acclaim.
TXAMSEM, the mythological giant / raven,
made out of 450 year old red cedar,
was displayed in the North American exhibit,
with other artifacts, at the Lindenmuseum Stuttgart.

For a special exhibition, also at the Lindenmuseum,
called the " Die Kunst zu Überleben - Indianer Nordamerikas",
he also designed and showed two original prints, Raven
and Killerwhale. This exhibit was shown in January 99
at Zürich, Switzerland.

As of November 98, RHEESPUNT, the Bear Mother mask,
made of carved yellow cedar and painted,
was purchased by the Lindenmuseum Stuttgart,
as was a traditional Tsimshian longhouse model.
Both are on exhibit in their public display of Northwest
Coast native cultural pieces and arts.

KTSEMAUS, a birch mask, which represents a spirit
of the sandbar on the Skeena River, is currently
in an exhibition called " Winnetous Tod ", at the
Neanderthal Museum in Germany. Exhibits in 2000
include "Masken der Welt" in Burgfrieden/Ulm,
which represented 5000 years of masks of the world
and another one in the museum in Hagen,
which shows historical native pieces
and newer traditional Tsimshian arts of the artist.

Ed has contributed to literature on First Nations arts
and has given many lectures, workshops, radio
and television interviews, and seminars.

He has given guided tours in museums such as
the Dahlem Museum in Berlin,
Völkerkunde Museum in Frankfurt and Heidelberg.

(Thlaxs - Claws of the Wolf)

He has also participated in the opening ceremony
for the Canadian Embassy, titled " Raubwal und Sonnenfinder ",
in Bad Schwalbach. He has had a very successful
and fulfilling stay in Germany over the past few years.

(SU XSGYIIK A DZIIWS - Young Eagle at Dawn)


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