To dance is to pray,
to pray is to heal,
to heal is to give,
to give is to live,
to live is to dance.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Remember Wounded Knee
Monday, May 30 · 5:00am - 11:30pm
This Memorial Day I would just like to ask if people,
where ever you may be would take a few moments remember
our fallen at Wounded Knee too. . . The men, the women,
the grandmas and grandpas, the children and infants.
Wopila Tanka,
Calvin Spotted Elk
In Gedenken an das Wounded Knee Massaker...
an die Männer, an die Frauen, die Großmütter und Großväter,
die Kinder und die Säuglinge die sterben mussten, Danke !
Wopila Tanka
(Calvin Spotted Elk)
Zündet eine Kerze an.... in stiller Trauer
Wolfgang Schaefer
You have some interesting thoughts! Perhaps we should contemplate about attempting this myself.